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Advanced Auto-Calibrating Line Sensor LSA08

  1. 8 sensor pairs spaced 16mm.
  2. 12V input power
  3. Onboard Mode and a Select button for instant configuration of LSA08
  4. LCD display unit showing 8 sensors analog value with bar chart and line position.
  5. Simple Auto-Calibration function to the line following surface.
  6. Low current consumption (typically 26mA)
  7. Works on glossy or reflective surface
  8. Refresh rate up to 200Hz.

5,304.00 6,304.00

  1. 8 sensor pairs spaced 16mm.
  2. 12V input power
  3. Onboard Mode and a Select button for instant configuration of LSA08
  4. LCD display unit showing 8 sensors analog value with bar chart and line position.
  5. Simple Auto-Calibration function to the line following surface.
  6. Low current consumption (typically 26mA)
  7. Works on glossy or reflective surface
  8. Refresh rate up to 200Hz.
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