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MICROCHIP Evaluation Kit, SAM C21 Xplained Pro, ATSAMC21J18A MCU, On Board Embedded Debugger

  1. Model: SAM C21 Xplained Pro, ATSAMC21J18A MCU
  2. Product: On Board Embedded Debugger
  3. 3.3 and 5V selectable target voltages
  4. Level converters between target section and EDBG section
  5. 32.768kHz Crystal mounted
  6. 16MHz crystal footprint (not mounted)

8,899.00 9,899.00

  1. Model: SAM C21 Xplained Pro, ATSAMC21J18A MCU
  2. Product: On Board Embedded Debugger
  3. 3.3 and 5V selectable target voltages
  4. Level converters between target section and EDBG section
  5. 32.768kHz Crystal mounted
  6. 16MHz crystal footprint (not mounted)


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